The one and only...
Friday, July 21, 2006 v 1st step is always the most hard one

Yes I made a blog... It is my 1st one, I am still learning how to do it properly so in order to maintain it corectly some help is always welcome hehe...
Probably youre asking why keeping a blog, if don't know how to do it... Nah... Just in the mood for something new... for a place where to write down my thoughts and to keep something in the past to see how things worked over the ages lol... Might sound a lil dumb, but I sincerely don't care at all
To those who will read it... Enjoy reading, hope wont be a waste of time to read about 1 guy life that is most of time busy with other things or just in the road to something better...
Now, I think, I should start writeing about me lol... hehe here it comes.
21 July in a Friday afternoon... 10 days until I change the work place, thank god... It has been a nice place, with manny nice things happening, but it is time to move on... For those who don't know where I was working so far, I work in an internet cafe for about 9-10 months... And now it is the time to change the working place. I already went to an interview to aply, and they told me to go "as soon as the old job boss let u go"... That will be in the 1st of August, right after my birthday celebration hehe... There the employer sayed I will have to work only for 8 hours a day, I will be free in weekends, but don't know what I will do there... All happened verry fast and I forgot to ask what I have to do... Doesn't realy matter, I always can ask for my sis what I have to do... That if I catch her before she goes to sleep... This job is soo crazy... reach here at 2 pm and can go back home at 6 am next morning... It is not that I don't enjoy playing online games and chat with friends, but the payment is also low... :/
Somehow I am happy that I found something else better payed, but a part of me knows that wont be that easy as I wont have internet there... And some of you might already know that I need internet to chat to someone I like... Not telling who hehe (maybe later)...
This is it for the 1st step... More to come soon hehe!

{0 comments} + spoken at 6:47 PM.

.About Me ]
Name: Vasile aka HunterKiller

A guy who likes to have fun since the sun rize until the sun sets and evan more...

.Interests ]
Movies, computers, internet games like Conquer Online and traveling.

.Favorite Movies ]
About all kind of movies, as long as I watch them with the one I love.

.Favorite Music ]
Club, house, disco, generaly music that is nice.

.Favorite Books ]
About all kind of novels.

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<a href=""
target="_blank"><img src="http://i6.photobucket.

Mal aka 3nity.

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Layout: limejuice
Image: Rika
Owner: Vasile

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