The one and only...
Sunday, August 06, 2006 v Superman would envy me

This week I started the work in the pharmacy store...
1st August: Getting to know the ppl and the colleagues and start getting my job seriously moveing stuff over the store... loading medicine pills and stuff like that into trucks, moveing heavy loads with the machine I learned to use pretty fast... all under direct supervision of a pharmacist.
2nd August: Still haveing troubles with my new colleagues, it is like going to a party with alot of new people and haveing difficulties with theyr names and doing more stuff that require strenght... I had muscle fever that day because of the heavy loads I had to carry...
3rd and 4th August: I reached the conclusion that in this world live alot of sick ppl... Every morning the store is almost no room to walk coz they bring new medicine that is packed into small, medium and big packages... After the pharmacist ladies count all the packages with the new stuff I take the bigger stuff and put them in theyr place on the shelvs, but only after the pharmacist in charge of me tells me where to put them... About at 1-2 pm they start to put medicine into smaller packages and those I need to put on diffrent routes and that is the most hard one because I need to be sure I don't mess the packages so the sick ppl will get theyr medicine in time... I need to be verry carefull and I try not to do mistakes... I talked with one of the pharmacist ladies over there and she sayed "It is ok if you make few mistakes this weeks because you are new to this kind of stuff and you still need to learn... but don't get use to it..." So I need to be verry carefull >.<
Yesterday I was working at my new house... Me, my dad and few workers put the 1st lvl of the house... It was exausting... I was in charge to take the cement from the workers and take it to my dad up to the 1st lvl... all day up and down the ladders... Sometimes before breakes my hands were shakeing, my legs were in pain... All days of this week were exausting... I am soo hard working lol... Evan Superman would envy me, wahaha... But I feel happy coz I was working at my house where I will leave... I was happy coz I can let something behind me, a structure that will be my shelter... A place that needs something, or better to say someone...

{0 comments} + spoken at 2:44 PM.

.About Me ]
Name: Vasile aka HunterKiller

A guy who likes to have fun since the sun rize until the sun sets and evan more...

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Movies, computers, internet games like Conquer Online and traveling.

.Favorite Movies ]
About all kind of movies, as long as I watch them with the one I love.

.Favorite Music ]
Club, house, disco, generaly music that is nice.

.Favorite Books ]
About all kind of novels.

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Layout: limejuice
Image: Rika
Owner: Vasile

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