The one and only...
Wednesday, September 20, 2006 v I think I am doing someones else job...

As I undserstand pretty fast what are my atributes and what I am in charge at work, I reached the normal level when I can do what I want in the pharmacy delivery store... So at about 10-11 am, after only 2-3 hours of work I usualy am done... Than the chief pharmacist comes around, see everything is ok, and all at theyr place... and starts to give me new atributes, things that a worker like me is not in charge to do it... I need to take a list of medicine that needs to be prepared for diffrent pharmacy...

Point no.1 cough syrop, with specific name, 250ml - 3 bottles, point no.2 discount of that syrop, 1 bottle; point 3 sleeping pills, with specific name, 10 pieces... and so on, depends on the offer of the day and what are the needs that pharmacy has... put that all on the table, so qualifyed ppl control the last time that the pharmacy will have the right medicine... Than take another list for another pharmacy and select diffrent medicine from the shelves...

If I will do mistakes meanwhile... it is my fault... Now this is hilarous... I never had anything to do with medicines my whole life, I work in a pharmacy delivery store for 1.5 months... and IT IS MY FAULT IF I PUT WRONG MEDICINE?... arrrr... Yea, I agree, I need to know where to put some of the medicine, in case someone asks me... but it is not my job to know the right concentration, of dunno what shit, a medicine has -.-"

{0 comments} + spoken at 8:48 PM.

.About Me ]
Name: Vasile aka HunterKiller

A guy who likes to have fun since the sun rize until the sun sets and evan more...

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Movies, computers, internet games like Conquer Online and traveling.

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About all kind of movies, as long as I watch them with the one I love.

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Club, house, disco, generaly music that is nice.

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About all kind of novels.

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Layout: limejuice
Image: Rika
Owner: Vasile

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