The one and only...
Saturday, November 04, 2006 v At home... in a warm place

Winter arrived, which means from now on I need to take an extra sweater and take care when I get out... The last days were cold... around 2-3 degrees outside... brrrrr cold!

Tonight I will spend it in front of the computer, drinking hot tea and enjoying some music... Anyone got an invitation for me to go out? I will probably say no to about 99 % of the invitations... 1 % is reserved for a special invitation, that I doubt will happen... It is just too cold to go out *sniff*

{0 comments} + spoken at 10:19 PM.

.About Me ]
Name: Vasile aka HunterKiller

A guy who likes to have fun since the sun rize until the sun sets and evan more...

.Interests ]
Movies, computers, internet games like Conquer Online and traveling.

.Favorite Movies ]
About all kind of movies, as long as I watch them with the one I love.

.Favorite Music ]
Club, house, disco, generaly music that is nice.

.Favorite Books ]
About all kind of novels.

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Mal aka 3nity.

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Layout: limejuice
Image: Rika
Owner: Vasile

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