The one and only...
Saturday, January 27, 2007 v Busy or lazy or just in no mood...

Wah... long time I never logged on bloggspot that I forgot my password... Rechanged and now all working nice and smooth...

Since the New Year's Eve I had been busy, lazy or just in no mood to do anything, so I appologise to the readers, coz they will have to read a long post =\

In the 1st week of the year I had some health problems and I wasn't abble to do my work properly in the pharmacy delivery store, mostly those days were the most horrible days of this year so far... I had fever and had a bad bad flu. The store looked like hell since the guy in charge with the lifting of the heavy stuff and put them in order was sick (me)... No one got mad, they saw I was in pain those 2 days of work and they didn't mind forgetting...

Than in the Friday afternoon when I stopped my medicine treatment, since the doc sayed that I am better, I got a surprise phone call...

Me: Yea?

G: YO! sup man? Come out for a drink!

Me: Huh? *confused*

G: Cmon... L is comming too!

Me: o.0 What's the occasion?

G: Does it has to be a occasion? What hour you are out from work?

Me: 6 pm.

G: Ok, wait for more specific instructions!

And he hung-up... o.0 wth happen with L that wanna go out for a drink? I called him back when I was out from work and asked for instructions. He sayed to go near the Town Hall at the Time Caffe. I went there and meet booth G and L already haveing theyr drinks... G sayed that L called him and sayed "Yo! let's go out for a drink!". Than I asked L "are you allright?", he sayed "yea, I just wanna drink with you"... CRAZZYYY in my oppinion... suddenly wanna go out after whole last year never wanted to go out of house... I had an energy vodka and a black beer (I love black beer :P) and they had, dunno, some sort of coctails with alcohool... At about 9 pm G sayed "let's go to Sombreros!" ... WTH IS WRONG WITH YOU 2? So we went in the mexican bar and sit at a table in the middle of the bar. We asked for 1 meter of tequilla and 3 sombreros hats. They had a tombolla... If you hit 6 6 6 with the dices you get 1 more meter of tequilla... L had 6 6 1 and I had 6 6 5... Close, close... In total we had 1 meter of tequilla each which means 3 meters in total. Guess what? I didn't got drunk at all after all those... damn I am a strong guy...

Than the 2nd week I started my leave... Woohoo 9 days of no more medicine, pharmacists and full time of relax... Isn't this nice? NO! They called me 2 days from my leave to fix the things there ARGH...

*phone rings*

Me: Yea?

Boss: Yo, sup? How's youre leave?

Me: OK... Why did you called me?

Boss: Here is the deal... The store looks like hell and we require youre help.

Me: ...

Boss: Every employ will come that day to help you fix the look of the store... There are medicine all over the place, the assistants don't find what they are looking for... Basicaly we need youre help.


Boss: Don't worry you will have the 10th free day if you come on saturday morning from 9 am till 1 pm.

Me: *to myself*-.- *to boss* erm... Ok, I think I could come...

Waaahhhh!!! I never realised that I am soo important in the company... They called from the free day all the employers just for me to go there... What can I say, I am more important than my colleagues... Yey for me! It means my work there is apreciated and they all like what I do there :D

This week I started work again, and I feel so tired that I dun seem to have any free day... The volume of work is extraordinary high, and all my colleagues are more and more tired of the work we deploy in the store...

{0 comments} + spoken at 10:27 PM.

.About Me ]
Name: Vasile aka HunterKiller

A guy who likes to have fun since the sun rize until the sun sets and evan more...

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Movies, computers, internet games like Conquer Online and traveling.

.Favorite Movies ]
About all kind of movies, as long as I watch them with the one I love.

.Favorite Music ]
Club, house, disco, generaly music that is nice.

.Favorite Books ]
About all kind of novels.

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Layout: limejuice
Image: Rika
Owner: Vasile

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